Create an effective learning environment

Listen, I get it. When I first started teaching, technology in the classroom was the massive overhead projector we used to share transparencies. These days, all the different options available can seem absolutely overwhelming

I know what it’s like to shift gears and embrace unfamiliar tools because you want to do everything in your power to see your students succeed. I know what it’s like to feel the frustration of trying something new and not succeeding in the attempt.

I even know what it feels like to desperately want to change the status quo but have no idea where to get started.

If this sounds like you at all, then you’ve definitely come to the right place.


Are you ready to Make a change?

The following FREE video courses are designed to help you uncover the benefits of online school and why students who struggle in a brick and mortar setting can thrive online. They investigate the strategies that can make online school so effective and how those strategies can be integrated into ANY classroom.

Integrating Google Classroom For Maximum Engagement

This Google Classroom video series will show you how to start using Google Classroom.  I demonstrate Google Classroom basics like how to access Google Classroom and create your very first class. I also cover what settings to use to maximize efficiency and flow, how to add students and co-teachers, how to create and organize assignments and materials, and many more topics. Let’s get started setting up Google Classroom!

Teaching Online With Zoom

Zoom is one of the premier programs that schools and teachers can use to interact with their students online and host virtual meetings. This video series demonstrates the process of using Zoom to teach online from the very first step of signing up, right through to hosting your own online sessions with students.

- Hey! I'm Danielle -

Let me ask you something. . .

  • Do you want to pursue your passion and create engaging learning environments?
  • Are you driven, brave, and a little adventurous?
  • Are you ready to harness the power of technology?
Well then. . .

you have come to the right place!

it now

If you are interested in an engaging way to train your students in the use of Google Classroom, grab my 20-page guide. You will receive:

  1. Directions on how I successfully use this exact scavenger hunt in my classes
  2. Outlines for all 16 posts with titles, descriptions, and settings
  3. Access to my Google Classroom to see student view
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Want to know more?

Online Training For Google Tools

Don't miss out on any upcoming webinars

This training will change everything you ever thought about Google Tools and how they can be used inside a classroom. Be the first to know when new training dates are announced! PLUS, get access to my free library of resources starting with my creative writing prompt workbook, Imagination With Intention.

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